It is clear that we are just an advanced breed of primates on a minor planet orbiting around a very average star, in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies. BUT, ever since the dawn of civilization people have craved for an understanding of the underlying order of the world. There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe. And what can be more special than that there is no boundary? And there should be no boundary to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there is life, there is hope.

— Stephen William Hawking (1942-01-08~2018-03-14)

Update at (2018-03-14)


Update at (2018-02-07)

Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder ‘why, why, why?’ Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand.” — Kurt Vonnegut

Update at (2018-01-15)


作詞:趙英俊 作曲:趙英俊

只要熱烈 都好過溫存
幾經冷漠 也不屑容忍
銘心刻骨 就要一意孤行
越是憧憬 越要風雨兼程

要走多遠 才算走進森林
曾幾何時 開始細數生辰
誓言久藏 怎麼滋生殘忍
青澀難免 要被遺憾瓜分

清風徐來 水波不興
哪個劇本 沒有分生
愈想證明 就愈不肯定
可能完美和完整 不是一回事情

清風徐來 水波不興
順流而上 海闊天空
人面桃花 傾國傾城

要走多遠 才算走進森林
曾幾何時 開始細數生辰
誓言久藏 怎麼滋生殘忍
青澀難免 要被遺憾瓜分

清風徐來 水波不興
哪個劇本 沒有分生
愈想證明 就愈不肯定
可能完美和完整 不是一回事情

清風徐來 水波不興
順流而上 海闊天空
人面桃花 傾國傾城

清風徐來 水波不興
順流而上 海闊天空
人面桃花 傾國傾城

Update at (2017-08-01)

Save my energy, Block everything which i thought disturbing me, thing that i’m decide in sober.

Update at (2017-07-27)

Big Question:

You know several things very important VS. You think you know many things pretty important

What’s your choice?

Update at (2017-03-23)

You got to understand what you are doing .

Next level: Testing and Monitoring master.

Update at (2016-12-09)

As Nicholas Coghlan(CPython core developer) says:

There are a couple of very, very scary things in this world.

The first is a bored human. Bored humans have time to indulge their curiosity, with potentially amazing results.

The second is a lazy human. Lazy humans can be quite inventive when it comes to figuring out how to do less work.

So, here’s to boredom & laziness - two of the prime movers in human progress!


Update at (2016-11-12)
